
Private tutoring means focusing on each student’s abilities and adapting to their learning styles and speeds, picking up dropped concept threads, and ensuring full overall comprehension. Wisdom Education was founded in order to bridge the need gap for as many students as possible, from middle school through college, and with the skills that help them learn, further into their careers.

We recognize that there is a massive difference in the costs of private tutoring and the needs of students in all walks of life. That is why we are committed to helping as many students as possible in as many ways as we can. Education should not be limited to those who can afford it, and we are determined to support everyone’s learning, from small assignments to capstone research papers. Wisdom comes from learning, and learning comes from looking at the world just a little differently.

About Wisdom Education

It’s no secret that the state of education in the United States is concerning at best. Students are struggling with spending gaps, resource availability, and quality instruction instead of test-focused statistics. Teachers are facing the same struggles, plus trying to keep up with the consistently changing standards that are rapidly eroding their ability to teach. While people are fighting for changes and plenty of teachers are working to make sure every student receives the education they deserve, they need help.

Enter tutoring centers, private tutors, and a long line of available services aiming at helping fill that gap, but they, too, fall prey to leaning into maximizing test taking skills over confirming full topic comprehension to ensure lasting success. We looked at the ever-widening chasm of knowledge versus need and knew we had to provide something to help those falling through those gaps.